Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Assingment

1. Role of Women- The role of women in this novel was not at the top of the class. They were controlled by traditions and laws of Muslim ways. They did not have a major role in making decisions for themselves. However, they were respected, but not like they should be.

2. Betrayal- Betrayal is occurs in the novel between Hassan, Amir, and BaBa. All of them lived in guilt for their betrayal, especially Amir.

3. Brothers- This novel tells us that you can be someone's brother without being blood-related. You can treat another person as if they were your own sibling. Amir never treated Hassan like a brother, but made up for it in the end when he rescued his nephew.

4. Guilt- hidden vs. open- The author shows hidden guilt in the novel by showing that Amir had hidden guilt because of the rape and that he didnt defend Hassan like he should have. He feels as if he has betrayed Hassan.
Open- Open guilt is portrayed throughout the whole novel. One specific example is when Soraya expressed to Amir that she was ashamed of the things that had happened in her early life.


2. Parallelism- This is seen in

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

City life and Small-town or rural life

City life and small-town or rural life

City life and small-town or rural life have many similarities and many differences. Some people prefer city life while other people prefer small-town or rural life, and some don’t have a preference, they are just satisfied wherever they are. City life and small-town or rural life have good local governments to help run the city, and homes and jobs for people to work and live. On the other hand, city life tends to be noisy and always busy, while small-town life is quieter and slow paced.
City life and small-town or rural life are similar in many ways. Both have good, strong local governments with elected officials that run the city by making decisions on what is best for the improvement of it. Citizens in both city and rural areas elect these officials based on if they think this person will help the city to grow. City and rural area citizens wish to see their city prosper. City and rural areas both have homes and jobs for their citizens to have somewhere to stay and have jobs. Both areas usually have grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, and other places and things for the people to survive and be entertained. There is usually always something to do in the city and the country. Whether it be going to a game, to the park, fishing, or hunting.
City life and small-town or rural life also have some differences. Living in a big city usually means there is a lot of people and a lot of noise. A big city also tends to be very fast paced and busy. For example, New York City streets are always full of people on foot and in vehicles. Large companies or corporations are normally in a large city, but you may not find a large company in a small city. There is always something to do in a large city. People have many choices of entertainment to choose from, such as: concerts, plays, parties, shopping, dining out, and much more. Life in a small-town or rural area is very different from living in a large city. Many people prefer to live in a small city rather than a large city because small cities are quiet. You don’t expect to hear an ambulance or police siren every hour in a small city, and there are not as much people. Crime rates also tend to be smaller in a small-town. Some small-towns don’t have as many activities for people to enjoy. Most of the time, you have to drive to a larger city nearby to partake in activities that there city doesn’t have. For example, one city may not have a movie theater, and you have to drive to another city if you want to see a movie. Also, in a small-town, everybody knows everybody, because there are not a lot of people in a small-town and you are likely to see the same people every day which can get annoying for some people and they move to a larger city.
I prefer a small-town or rural area over city life. One reason is because I have lived in a small-town all of my life. It would take me a while to get adjusted to life in a large city because I’m not used to living in a fast paced city. I prefer the small-town atmosphere because it is friendlier and you know just about everyone that lives there, because there is a close-knit relationship with the people around you. It is always nice to walk outside and breathe some fresh air, whereas in a big city, the air is polluted. You can sit outside on your porch and not have to listen to loud music or ambulances going by every minute, because it is peaceful. Everyone is not trying to be somewhere at the same time in a small city. The streets are less crowded and easier to move through. I would choose a small-town over a large one any day
City life and small-town or rural life are very unique in their own way. Some people prefer a lot of noise to peace and quiet, while others prefer the complete opposite. People prefer one to the other based on how they grew up or what changes they want to make.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Experience with essay #2

Today we turned in our second essay in class. I did not have much difficulty writing it. I may have had a few problems with trying to tie my examples to the topic of the essay. I wanted to be sure that all of my examples made sense and that they were relevent, and this took a while. The easiest thing in writing it was just the topic itself. I could really relate to this because I see it everyday. After I got my examples to what I wanted them to be, the rest of it was a breeze. Some advice I would give to the next english 1101 student who had to do this would be to just take your time. Pick a topic that interests you and go with the flow. Always be sure that the examples you give make sense and they go with what you are writing about, because if your examples don't make sense, it throws the entire paper off.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Churchgoers aren't perfect

Churchgoers aren’t perfect

There are many religions all over the world. Christian, Catholic, Jehovah Witnesses, Muslim, etc, and people who believe in these religions go and worship at a church with similar beliefs. It could be a Methodist church, Baptist, or a Temple. Some attend church once a week, and others more than once a week. All people who believe in these religions have one thing in common; and that is they strive to be perfect everyday of their lives. However, all churchgoers are not perfect. People’s actions and the way we live our lives cause us not to be perfect even though we try. Things such as: gossiping, greed, and envy are three of many deadly sins that churchgoers commit every day that cause them not to be perfect.
Gossiping is more than likely the most common sin that churchgoers commit. Webster defines gossip as a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts; rumor or report of an intimate nature; an informational conversation. It basically means that one person spreads rumors about the personal and private affairs of another person that they know that person would not like that to be revealed to other people, but it is anyway. This is common in most churchgoers because it is so easy to speak wrongly of another. People commit this sin on the church grounds after service! Believe me, I have seen and heard it at my own church. Gossipers will get together in groups away from others and talk amongst themselves. The women will say things like, “I can’t believe she wore that short skirt to service today!” While the other woman replies, “They say she doesn’t even buy her clothes, her men buy them for her.” The men are gathered together in another group across the parking lot, and they are saying things like, “The preacher sure did stutter over his words during his sermon this morning.” While someone else replies, “It was probably because I saw him at the club last night, and he was so drunk that they had to call his wife to come and take him home.” This is just one of many things that cause churchgoers not to be perfect.
Greed is another sin that can cause churchgoers not to be perfect. Greed is an excessive desire to acquire or posses more than what one needs or deserves with respect to material wealth. In life, there are things we need and things we want. Greed is usually associated with the want part of life. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting the finer things in life, but when you can’t control your wantsand you want more and more, it turns into greed, and it can especially be evident in a churchgoer. Some churchgoers hide their greed, while you can see it very clearly in others. A good example of this would be how churchgoers always encourage giving. In the Bible it says that, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." But when it comes time for them to give to a needy cause or pay their tithes and offering, they become stingy and only give small amounts, or nothing at all. Some of them may even say, "Sorry, I don't have any money," when they know they have money but are trying to save it because they saw a purse or a pair of sneakers that they want at the mall, when they have 200 other pairs of those things at home that they don't even wear. A child goes without food and shelter everyday because of the greed in some people, especially churchgoers.
Finally, envy is a third example that can cause churchgoers to be unperfect. Envy is defined as a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another. Envy is when another person has something that you want and you get angry and vent that anger toward that person. Bob could be envious toward Tom becuase Tom took the girl that Bob wanted. Jessica could be envious toward Tina becuase Tina drove to church with a brand new Lexus and Jessica all of a sudden wants one but can't afford it. Having envy can be a very dangerous thing, it ruins the best relationships.. Brothers and sisters, daughters and mothers, sons and fathers, and best friends don't even speak to each other because they are envious toward one another for some possession the other person has that they can't get. People come to church with an evil spirit and it takes the happiness and joy out of the service when a churchgoer comes to church and brings everyone else down with their attitude all becuase they are envious toward someone else over something stupid.
Churchgoers strive to be perfect everyday of their lives, but they are not. There are many things and examples that can explain why churchgoers aren't perfect. For example, gossiping, greed, and envy are sins that churchgoers commit, their actions and the things they say, that cause them not to be perfect. Churchgoers aren't perfect, everyone makes mistakes, but I think we should all strive to be perfect. Although we may never achieve perfection, the things we do in our everyday lives to try, will make us better people, and we will live better lives.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reaction to reading other blogs

I enjoyed reading and commenting on other students' blogs. Its good to read comments from your professor, but its better when you can read what another student has said about your writing and make changes accordingly. The other student can tell you what mistakes you made and give you some pointers on how to fix them. In reading other blogs, I realized how important it is to give your opinion in an honest way that doesnt hurt the writer's feelings. The comments I made also helped me to look at my own blogs more closely because some of the things I commented on, I had the same problems in mine. I think its good that we have the opportunity to read each other's writings and comment on how well they are as well as metion places that need to be fixed. This will help us all advance in writing.

The greatest challenge I faced when I wrote my forst composition

Today we turned in our final draft to or first essay for this class. I felt very confident when I turned mine in. My professor said that my first draft was good, which really surpurised me. When I was writing, I did face a few challenges. In the beginning, it took me a while to choose a topic. I was torn between writing about my first day at college and my first day on the job. Finally, I chose to write about my first day at college because I figured it would be easier to write about. Another challenge was staying on topic and making sure what I wrote down made sense. The final paragraph was a bit of a challenge. It needed some work, becuase it was too abrupt. However, I added a few more sentences and made some changes to the ones that were already there.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My First Day At College

Tamarkis Taylor
September 1, 2009
My First Day at College

Monday, August 17, 2009 was a beautiful day. The skies were blue, the sun was shining bright, and the birds were singing. Monday, August 17, 2009 was the first day to the start of a four year journey towards a college diploma. I had been looking forward to this day for many years, and it was finally here. I had mixed emotions about this situation. I was very excited, but at the same time I was also a little nervous.
My first class was at 9:30 A.M. that day, so I got up bright and early that morning. After eating a delicious breakfast of cheese grits, bacon, and some orange juice, I then got dressed. I put on my brand new black Polo by Ralph Lauren shirt, with my beige cargo shorts, and my brand new Nike high-top tennis shoes with black Nike socks to match. I also had some Ralph Lauren cologne to go with this magnificent ensemble. I then proceeded to pack my books for the day into my brand new Jansport book bag. I only had two classes that day, so I didn’t have a heavy load to carry. But, in all of my excitement, I had to go back and get my book bag when I noticed I didn’t have it after getting in my car to drive off.
When I was getting ready at home, I was excited and anxious, but as I was driving down the road, I began to get nervous. I had to take the interstate, and my first thought was traffic. I was scared that there was going to be a horrific accident on the busy interstate and that I would be late on my first day. I was very relieved when I saw that the interstate was not as busy as I thought it was going to be, and the drive down was a breeze. All of my favorite songs came on the radio, and I began to grown excited and anxious again. When I drove up on the Macon State campus, that terrible feeling came back again. I saw all of the cars and thought to myself frantically, “Oh no!, what if I can’t find a parking spot and be late to class after all.” Luckly, I found an excellent parking spot that wasn't too far away from where I needed to be.
There were a lot of all kinds of people there. Young teenagers, and older men and women. When I arrived at my 9:30 class, I was very glad to see two of my friends from high school. My professor was very nice and cordial. She introduced herself and explained very clearly what the class was about and what was expected. The room we were in was very cold, and as my professor continued her precise conversation, I began to get very sleepy. During the course of the rest of my day, I saw some more of my friends from high school. My next two professors were also nice. I began to get kind of worried when my History professor told us that reading is a major part of this class. I guess I'll have to get used to reading more because I want to pass.
In conclusion, my first day of college turned out to be okay. I went from being excited and anxious, to nervous, and then to calm when I realized that everything was good. My first day was a great experience, and I hope that I will continue to enjoy it and be successful.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Descriptive Paragraph

Tamarkis Taylor
English 1101- descriptive paragraph
August 25, 2009

The car is a four door 2005 Nissan Altima sedan with alloy wheels and tinted windows. The color of the car is a light gold or champagne color with a noticeable black scratch on the front bumper. It has automatic headlights and brand new windshield wipers. The windows have been cleaned, and the paint and wheels are shining from where the car was recently detailed. Displayed on the back glass in the bottom right corner is a Macon State student parking decal, and there is a Butler Toyota tag cover over the tag itself. The interior of the car is black. It has black seats, with black carpet, and heavy-duty plastic floor mats on top of the large manufacturer floor mats that have the word Altima written across the bottom in bold white print. The car has no sunroof and no antenna.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

English 1101

This year in English 1101, I have many expectations as to what I would like to learn and to achieve as a student in this class. I know that this class is mostly centered around writing, and I would like to develop better skills and knowledge in this area. I enjoy writing, and I would like to improve my skills so that I may become a better writer in the future. I also would like to learn more about and develop better skills in documenting sources when doing research assignments for class. Documenting sources is a very important part of writing and I want to better my skills so it will be easier to do. I also want to start reading more than I do and gain a better respect for it because it is a big part of being successful in college.