Thursday, September 24, 2009

Churchgoers aren't perfect

Churchgoers aren’t perfect

There are many religions all over the world. Christian, Catholic, Jehovah Witnesses, Muslim, etc, and people who believe in these religions go and worship at a church with similar beliefs. It could be a Methodist church, Baptist, or a Temple. Some attend church once a week, and others more than once a week. All people who believe in these religions have one thing in common; and that is they strive to be perfect everyday of their lives. However, all churchgoers are not perfect. People’s actions and the way we live our lives cause us not to be perfect even though we try. Things such as: gossiping, greed, and envy are three of many deadly sins that churchgoers commit every day that cause them not to be perfect.
Gossiping is more than likely the most common sin that churchgoers commit. Webster defines gossip as a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts; rumor or report of an intimate nature; an informational conversation. It basically means that one person spreads rumors about the personal and private affairs of another person that they know that person would not like that to be revealed to other people, but it is anyway. This is common in most churchgoers because it is so easy to speak wrongly of another. People commit this sin on the church grounds after service! Believe me, I have seen and heard it at my own church. Gossipers will get together in groups away from others and talk amongst themselves. The women will say things like, “I can’t believe she wore that short skirt to service today!” While the other woman replies, “They say she doesn’t even buy her clothes, her men buy them for her.” The men are gathered together in another group across the parking lot, and they are saying things like, “The preacher sure did stutter over his words during his sermon this morning.” While someone else replies, “It was probably because I saw him at the club last night, and he was so drunk that they had to call his wife to come and take him home.” This is just one of many things that cause churchgoers not to be perfect.
Greed is another sin that can cause churchgoers not to be perfect. Greed is an excessive desire to acquire or posses more than what one needs or deserves with respect to material wealth. In life, there are things we need and things we want. Greed is usually associated with the want part of life. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting the finer things in life, but when you can’t control your wantsand you want more and more, it turns into greed, and it can especially be evident in a churchgoer. Some churchgoers hide their greed, while you can see it very clearly in others. A good example of this would be how churchgoers always encourage giving. In the Bible it says that, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." But when it comes time for them to give to a needy cause or pay their tithes and offering, they become stingy and only give small amounts, or nothing at all. Some of them may even say, "Sorry, I don't have any money," when they know they have money but are trying to save it because they saw a purse or a pair of sneakers that they want at the mall, when they have 200 other pairs of those things at home that they don't even wear. A child goes without food and shelter everyday because of the greed in some people, especially churchgoers.
Finally, envy is a third example that can cause churchgoers to be unperfect. Envy is defined as a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another. Envy is when another person has something that you want and you get angry and vent that anger toward that person. Bob could be envious toward Tom becuase Tom took the girl that Bob wanted. Jessica could be envious toward Tina becuase Tina drove to church with a brand new Lexus and Jessica all of a sudden wants one but can't afford it. Having envy can be a very dangerous thing, it ruins the best relationships.. Brothers and sisters, daughters and mothers, sons and fathers, and best friends don't even speak to each other because they are envious toward one another for some possession the other person has that they can't get. People come to church with an evil spirit and it takes the happiness and joy out of the service when a churchgoer comes to church and brings everyone else down with their attitude all becuase they are envious toward someone else over something stupid.
Churchgoers strive to be perfect everyday of their lives, but they are not. There are many things and examples that can explain why churchgoers aren't perfect. For example, gossiping, greed, and envy are sins that churchgoers commit, their actions and the things they say, that cause them not to be perfect. Churchgoers aren't perfect, everyone makes mistakes, but I think we should all strive to be perfect. Although we may never achieve perfection, the things we do in our everyday lives to try, will make us better people, and we will live better lives.


  1. Your purpose was definitely clearly stated in your first paragraph. I'm glad that you kept that clarity of purpose throughout your whole essay. You were very direct and none of your sentences got off topic. I enjoyed reading your essay! Good job and good luck!

  2. i really enjoyed and agree with you about churchgoers. Those are the main keys that cause many churchgoers not to be perfect, but they don't realize that. You did a very great job with your examples, and making them relate to your essay. I really liked the one about the girl was hating on the other girl because she had a Lexus, but the other one couldn't afford one. overall very precise and well said.

  3. I completely understood your essay very good and to the point I grew up in a church and know exactly what your talking about. This was very good essay and you covered some very good points that are all very true.
